What is the best time to begin our tour?

Almost all the wineries are open from 10am to 4pm or 5pm, so use that as your guide. Also, wineries tend to get busier and busier later in the day. If you want to visit a popular winery, have us book it as early in the day as possible, that way you’ll avoid the crowds...

What other stuff?

Well, for instance, how far in advance are you booking your tour? Many wineries will book up as we get closer to your tour date, particularly on Saturdays and particularly in the Summer and Fall. Wineries are more likely to book up in the later afternoon, so we need...

What are the considerations for choosing wineries for our tour?

If we’re putting together a tour plan for you, we’ll take all of the following into consideration: Your preferred wineries (if you have any), your favorite wines, the types of experiences you are interested in. Idyllic winery locations for your picnic lunch, if you...